The U-S Department of Agriculture says the cost of food you buy at thegrocery story is expected to increase by two to two-and-a-half percent thisyear. U-S-D-A spokesperson Annette Clauson says the increase is about thesame as the last few years. She says an increase in the cost of fruit andvegetable was part of the reason for the increase.Clauson says the amount of increase per individuals will depend on what youlike to eat.If you like to go out to eat Clauson says you will pay betweentwo-and-a-half to three percent more this year. She says that is due more tolabor costs than food.Clauson says there is still some uncertainty about how future food priceswill be affected by changes in meat exports and an increase in demand forsome products. Overall food prices increased by two-point-two percent lastyear which was the lowest increase since 1993.

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