Health officials at the University of Iowa say it’s pure coincidence thattwo students have been diagnosed with the same potentially deadly infectionwithin a week of each other. Dr. Mary Khowassah, Director of the U-of-IStudent Health Service, says the cases are NOT linked.Dr. Khowassah says meningococcal meningitis can be deadly — and kills aboutone in ten patients who become infected with it. She says students who hadclose contact with both infected students have been given preventive drugs.While the student who was hospitalized in Iowa City last week has since beenreleased, the second meningitis patient is hospitalized in Waterloo instable condition. Khowassah says the two young women lived in differentdorms on opposite sides of the river, and it’s not believed they shared anyclasses or friends.Dr. Khowassah says the infection is most often spread through close contact– like sharing a toothbrush or eating utensils. Warning signs include: ahigh fever, a rash, body aches and a stiff neck.

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