Former Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander today lashed out at thefront-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Alexander suggested Texas Governor George W. Bush has feet of clay.Alexander says the G-O-P’s presidential nomination is “too important to bebought, shouldn’t be inherited and ought to be earned.”Bush is set to make his first campaign trip to Iowa this Saturday. He hasmet with Iowa Republicans — in Austin at the Governor’s mansion. Alexandersays that’s an insult to rank-and-file Republicans.Alexander says his campaign will be different from those of Bush andElizabeth Dole, who’s presently running number two in the G-O-P race.Alexander’s campaign has lined up chairmen in each of Iowa’s 99 counties.August 14th, by the way, is the date of the Iowa Republican Party’sStrawpoll in Ames — an important test of readiness for the presidentialcampaigns.

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