Republican presidential hopeful Steve Forbes has adopted a familiar campaigntune as his own. As Forbes ended a campaign speech Thursday night in Des Moines, a ragtimeband launched into “Happy Days Are Here Again.” Forbes darted back to themicrophone, saying the ditty would become a national song once again. Itwas used by democrat President Franklin Roosevelt during the GreatDepression, when Forbes says democrats were “pro-growth.” In his speech,Forbes cast himself as the candidate of ideas, while he belittled Republicanfront-runner George W. Bush, the self-described “compassionateconservative.”Forbes has organized in 90 of Iowa’s 99 counties. That’s far better thanhis Iowa effort in 1996, which resulted in a fourth place finish in Iowa’sCaucuses. Forbes — a columnist in his family’s business magazine — criticizedFederal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan who hinted yesterday “the Fed”will raise interest rates.

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