The first of what’s heralded as the new generation of rest areas is openingthis week in eastern Iowa. The new facility and welcome center is alongInterstate 80 near Wilton between Davenport and Iowa City at mile marker270.Dena Grey-Fisher is a spokeswoman for the Iowa Department of Transportation.She says interstate rest areas are the only contact some passers-by everhave with Iowa, so the facilities need to be top-notch. Grey-Fisher says thisnew one will also house a welcome center.While the other 1960s-era rest areas only have 12 or so toilets, the new onewill feature a total of 28 stalls. While some public restrooms are onlydecorated with graffiti, Grey-Fisher says this one will be full of art.Dedication of the facility is planned for 11 a-m Wednesday. She says all 39of Iowa’s rest areas will evenutally be replaced with the new design. Threeare currently under construction near Grinnell, Lamoni and Sioux City.

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