For decades, he’s been successful running for office. Now Chuck Grassleyhas taken up running as a hobby. That’s running in jogging shoes. Iowa’srepublican U-S Senator says he was in a Washington D-C footrace a few weeksago and placed very well.Grassley and his wife will be in Des Moines today to take part in the “Racefor the Cure” to raise money for breast cancer research. Senator Grassleysays he’ll be leaving Mrs. Grassley at the starting line as she’ll bewalking and he’ll be running.Grassley was asked if he’ll soon be seen running around the nation’s capitolwith President Clinton.Grassley turned 66 last month. Democrat presidential candidate Bill Bradleyand his wife, Ernestine, will participate in the one-mile walk. ErnestineBradley survived a 1992 breast cancer diagnosis and she will hand out awardsto time-winners — and cancer survivors who participate. Six-thousand areexpected to join in the event.

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