Mid-sized foreign cars, sport utility vehicles and pickups top the latestreport by the National Insurance Crime Bureau on the top ten stolen vehiclemodels. The Honda Accord and Toyota Camry are one and two on the list whilefull-size Chevy pickups and Jeep S-U-V’s are three and four. Special AgentVern Foughty of the Iowa office of the N-I-C-B says those models are alsothe most likely to turn up missing in Iowa.Foughty says while vehicle theft is a concern, you don’t see the car theftepidemic in Iowa that happens in big cities. While it sounds simple, Foughty says one easy way to prevent car theft is totake your keys out of your car. He says you should also never leavevaluables or packages in open view in your car. Fouty says manufacturers aredoing more and more to make it tougher for thieves to steal a car.

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