(Dubuque, IA) Vice President Al Gore Thursday said Bill Bradley, his rival for the Democratic party’s presidential nomination, and GOP frontrunner George W. Bush are offering unrealistic promises to voters.

During a news conference with reporters, Gore touted a study that concluded Bradley’s health care reform plan would cost over $1 Trillion over the next decade, completely eating up the federal budget surplus. Gore said his own plans to right the Medicare and Medicaid systems to ensure coverage for uninsured, as well as prescription drug coverage for the elderly, would cost $268 Billion.

“Senator Bradley’s plan definitely puts the future of Medicare at risk and to say that you’re going to fund the changes that are needed in Medicare with savings in paperwork is not a credible plan,” Gore told reporters.

Gore also blasted the tax cut plans advanced by Bush.

“(The Bush campaign) cannot for the life of them figure out a way to match reality with rhetoric and still not spend all the surplus,” Gore said.

Gore said Bush and Bradley have ” had serious problems with fiscal responsibility.”

Gore began a two-day Iowa campaign swing with a meeting at a Senior Center in Dubuque. He asked the 150 gathered in the hall if they had watched his debate with Bradley on Wednesday night.

“We had a great discussion last night and it was a lot of fun,” Gore said, drawing laughter and nods from the crowd when he asked if they had watched the final game of the World Series instead.

Radio Iowa