Iowans may get a tax break on “back to school” purchases. The Iowa House this week will consider a bill which would set aside the first weekend in August as “Tax Freedom” weekend. Sales tax would NOT be charged on clothing or shoe purchases, although there would be a $100 limit per item. Representative Jamie Van Fossen, a republican from Davenport, leads the House Ways and Means “tax-writing” Committee, and he says it’s aimed at parents buying back-to-school wear. However, Van Fossen says all adults will be able to go on a clothing spree. Van Fossen believes the weekend would be a “loss-leader” for businesses, as that’s been the experience in Florida, Texas and New York where “sales tax free” shopping periods have been held. If the bill becomes law, Van Fossen says sales-tax-free clothing and shoe purchases could be made Friday, August 4th through Sunday, August 6th — and he expects Iowans to save about $3 million.

Radio Iowa