Iowa ranks high on the latest list of “most liveable states” in the nation. Kansas-based Morgan Quitno Press rates the states in 43 categories like: crime, economy, education, health care & taxes. This year, Minnesota is first and Iowa’s second, followed by Colorado, Utah & New Hampshire. Press President Scott Morgan says Iowa’s usually toward the top in most of the categories. He says job growth in Iowa was the highest in the country.Iowa ranked number-one in 1996 and has been third the last two years. The research & publishing company also ranks Iowa number-15 on the list of “healthiest” states. That’s the lowest Iowa’s ranked, Morgan says, due to the health problems of our older population -and- Iowa has a higher percentage of people who’re overweight.Morgan says Mississippi ranked last on the healthiest states list while New Hampshire was tops. There’s one other list — that of the “safest” states. Iowa ranks number-nine due to relatively low numbers of murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries & car thefts.He says North Dakota is considered the safest state. New Mexico is the most dangerous.

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