A new survey shows Iowa women, on average, are earning more — but still not as much as men who have the same job. Iowa Workforce Development agency director Richard Running released the survey results this morning. In 1993, Iowa women were paid 68 cents for every dollar paid to men working similar jobs. In 1999, Iowa women earned 73 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. Running says the impact’s enormous when you consider a life-time of work. A 25-year-old woman will earn about half-a-million dollars less over the course of her career when compared to a 25-year-old man with the same job. First Lady Christie Vilsack was wearing a button that said “where’s my 27-cents?” May 11th is “Equal Pay Day” as Running says it takes women, on average, 16 months to make as much as men did in 12 months.

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