The American Cancer Society is urging Iowans to keep their eyes open for any unusual growths on their skin. Today is National Self-Examination Day, and senior specialist Suzanne Walker says it’s a day for everyone to check themselves out.She says skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, hitting one out of seven Americans in their lifetime. Walker says there are three forms of skin cancer – and Americans need to be educated about them.Basal cell, squamous cell, and Malignant Melanoma are the three forms of skin cancer. Basal cell is the most common. Walker says Malignant Melanoma is the least common, but the most dangerous – and they usually begin on or near moles. Walker says there are a few danger signs to look for on your skin, look for changes in the color and size of moles on your skin. As a rule, she says to make sure any moles larger than six millimeters in diameter are checked out by a dermatologist.

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