While Iowa politicians recently focused on getting native Iowans to return to the state, a Department of Natural Resources program has been successful in its effort to get some “natives” back in the state. The native Iowans in the D-N-R’s case are trumpeter swans. Ron Andrews coordinates the trumpeter swan restoration program that began in 1995. Prior to the program, 1883 was the last year a wild pair of nesting trumpeter swans was in Iowa. Andrews says they’ve re-introduced 300 birds in the state in the past six years.There are now six nesting pairs in Iowa, and they’d like to have 15 pairs by 2003. Andrews says the destruction of wetlands led to the birds demise in Iowa. Andrews credits wildlife groups with helping the trumpeter swan program be successful.The latest pair of trumpeter swans was released at Pine Lake State Park in Hardin County on Thursday. Another pair is set to be released near Ingham Lake in Emmet County on Saturday.

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