Iowa Congressman Jim Leach doubts former Iowa wrestling coach Dan Gable will run for Governor. Leach says he’s not convinced that Gable’s convinced that it’s the right thing for him to do.Gable, who recently switched his party registration from democrat to republican, has been mulling the idea of running for Governor.Leach says he’s talked to Gable often this week and says Gable is wrestling with the decision. Leach says Gable’s not sure that “round pegs fit square holes in all jobs and job opportunities.”Gable has campaigned for Leach, a republican who is also a former wrestler.Leach says if Gable were to run, he’d be a “credible” candidate. Leach says Gable is an “icon” who would be a breath of fresh air in the political system. He says Gable’s candidacy, if he were to run, would not be political, but a campaign of someone who is very competitive and committed to the State of Iowa.Leach made his comments during taping of the Iowa Public Television program, “Iowa Press.”

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