Parents who’re packing kids’ lunches for the first time next week, or even for those who’ve packed thousands, need to remember healthy lunches help make healthy kids. Cindy Conroy is a registered dietician at the Iowa Heart Center. She says you should include the four food groups — fruits, vegetables, breads and meats. Conroy says it’s also a good idea for the child to supplement the lunch by drinking a carton of milk. While many kids crave something sugary in their midday meals, Conroy says to resist packing junk food. Conroy, who is manager of the Iowa Heart Center’s lipid clinic, says there are other creative ways to inspire kids to eat more healthy foods. She says having the kids help make their own lunches is one way to get them involved.Food safety is also key. Conroy says parents can make sure hot foods stay hot and cold foods stay cold by using a thermos or ice packs in insulated bags or lunch boxes. For more healthy eating tips, surf to “”.

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