The state finals of the Miss Iowa-U-S-A Pageant will be held today and tomorrow in Oskaloosa, boasting a record 50 competitors for the main competition and 40 contestants in the teen division. State pageant director Jim Clingman says that’s a real bumper crop of contestants.This is the 50th anniversary of the Miss Iowa-U-S-A event and the 20th year for the Miss Iowa Teen U-S-A Pageant. The winners go on to the Miss U-S-A Pageant, not to be confused with Miss America. Clingman says the young women who are taking part in the two contests gain much from the experience.The two winners selected in interview, swimsuit and evening gown competitions will represent Iowa in the national pageants on C-B-S next year. Clingman says the young women learn communications and interview skills by taking part, make great contacts, and could win money for college.The two-day pageant opens tonight at 7 o’clock at Oskaloosa’s George Daily Auditorium featuring all 90 contestants in the senior and junior events. The top ten finalists will compete in each division tomorrow night.

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