An Iowa State University Extension Department expert says efforts to clean up the state’s waterways are showing positive results. John Creswell has been monitoring the efforts to improve the quality of Iowa’s water. Creswell says there’ve been 110 water cleanup projects instituted since the late 1980s.They include everything from terracing to contour farming, all designed to keep sediment out of the water. Creswell says one a key to the success is the involvement of several groups.He says organizations from commodity groups to individual farmers have chipped in to help. Creswell says there’s still a lot of work to do.The state will have to look at the criteria set forth by the E-P-A for phosphorus and nitrogen runoff in our waters. He says Iowa will need to determine if the state can meet the criteria and continue its current farming methods. Creswell says Iowans are willing to do what it takes to clean up the water.Creswell says cleaning up streams and lakes improves the state’s economy.

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