A cooperative processing plant in Oskaloosa is looking for investors. BrentSorenson, CEO of FarmConnect, says a series of meetings will show howvalue-added processing would benefit both growers and buyers of beans. Theopportunity is to invest in the Oskaloosa plant which will process beansinto a fine powder to be sold to the soy foods ingredient market. Sorensensays Farm Connect is a Minnesota cooperative that’s been working on thisproject for months. He says they just became able to offer it to Iowa farmersbecause they’ve received their official designation of coop status forfederal tax purposes. Sorenson says FarmConnect is an alliance of more than650 crop and livestock producers. The new plant is called SoyLink, andSorenson says it can add up to a dollar and-a-half to the value of soybeans.In addition to half a dozen meetings at the Oskaloosa plant, more areplanned in New Hampton, Iowa Falls, Algona, Ames, Carroll, Atlantic andCreston. For more information visit www.farmconnect.com, or call888-654-5077.

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