A new report finds the nation’s most-sensitive nuclear power plants fail to screen workers for terrorist ties, but Iowa Senator Charles Grassley says it’s not time to make security at the plants a federal responsibility. A report issued by a Massachusetts Congressman who wants to federalize security at U-S nuclear plants concludes plant operators have no idea how many foreign nationals they employ. As used to be the case for the nation’s airports, the companies that operate nuclear plants handle security, and Grassley says that’s fine with him.Grassley says airport security was placed under federal control because there was a lack of confidence in the safety of air travel, and it was harming the whole economy. He says there’s no lack of confidence in the utility industry, as people don’t know whether the source of their electricity is from a nuclear, coal-fired, or wind plant. Grassley says it’s appropriate to review the security measures at nuclear facilities. He says terrorists have plans to target the plants, but he says the U-S is on top of the situation. Grassley hopes there’s been a rude awakening about the need for additional security measures at the nation’s nuclear power plants.

Radio Iowa