The University of Iowa’s Student Government will consider adopting a resolution today (Tuesday) that would voice its opposition to the possible war in Iraq. Doug Anderson is spokesman for the U-of-I “Campaign Against War,” which he says is -not- an unpatriotic group, rather, he says the members are simply against a new conflict in the Persian Gulf.Anderson, a native of Arnold’s Park, is a recent U-of-I graduate and teaches rhetoric on campus. He says a new war in Iraq could result in the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis and potentially many American lives too. Anderson fears such a conflict overseas could force the U.S. government to resort to something dreaded by many during the Vietnam War a generation ago. The resolution calls for a peaceful end to the crisis. In addition to a potential draft and the likelihood of lost lives, Anderson is leading the effort to get U-of-I students to oppose the possible war with Iraq based on economic factors.He says estimates find the war could cost between 100-and-200-billion dollars, not to mention the cost of an occupation of Iraq. Anderson says that money would be better spend here in the U.S. on programs like education, health care, housing and jobs creation. An antiwar rally is planned for 5:30 P.M. at Hubbard Park, next to the Iowa Memorial Union. The Student Assembly meeting is slated for 6:30 P.M. at the I-M-U.

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