Cookies, candy, a jell-O salad…bring anything to the holiday party but the latest virus. The season to bring holiday treats to friend, workplaces and schools is just beginning. But with Norwalk viruses going around Iowa, the state’s top doctor says it’ll ruin the fun to bring a germ to the party. Epidemiologist Dr Patricia Quinlisk recommends using hot water, soap…and singing “Happy Birthday” while you scrub and don’t stop until you’re through.Dr Quinlisk says singing a little ditty will keep you scrubbing long enough to do the job. It keeps your hands in the water longer, the soap and friction will release the oil and germs from your skin, and the 20 seconds you spend will get you scrubbing the backs and between your fingers. The doctor says good handwashing could eliminate most cases of the bug that’s been making dozens of Iowans sick the last couple weeks.

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