Governor Tom Vilsack’s wife will be wearing a hat as the governor’s sworn in for a second term in office.First Lady Christie Vilsack often wears hats, and her husband bought her the one she’ll wear on Friday, the 17th as he’s sworn in for a second term in office. Mrs. Vilsack says her husband has great taste and it’s a “beautiful hat, inside and out” — purchased from a milliner. It is a black hat, but Vilsack says she wants to be in the background. Mrs. Vilsack says it’s not a showy hat, so it won’t detraction from what she says is her husband’s day. As you may remember, Mrs. Vilsack wore a hat to her husband’s first inauguration in 1999, and when he kissed her after receiving the oath of office, he knocked off her hat. Mrs. Vilsack says her new hat won’t fall off.Mrs. Vilsack says the hat will stay on without the benefit of one of those chin straps, either.

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