Governor Tom Vilsack says he and South Dakota’s Governor buried the hatchet earlier this week when the two met in D-C at the National Governors Association meeting. About two weeks ago, South Dakota’s Governor was featured in newspaper ads which touted his state’s low-tax environment and challenged Iowa and Minnesota to “bring it on” in the competion for businesses. During a session with statehouse reporters yesterday, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack joked that he’d “struck a peace treaty with the Governor of South Dakota” and the National Guard is standing down. Vilsack says the “alert level” on the feud between the states has been lowered to yellow. Vilsack says, to be serious, the two talked about ways Midwestern states can work together, particularly on finding new ways to transmit electricity. (as said in wrap) Vilsack says the two have “had fun” with the feud, but it’s time to come together to promote the region rather than have a state-versus-state conflict. Vilsack says Governor Mike Rounds didn’t offer an apology, but Vilsack says he got the sense Rounds didn’t expect the taunting ad would create such a sensation.

Radio Iowa