While Iowans are urged to put together emergency kits in case of terrorist attack, animal advocates are urging them to remember their pets too during these tense times of war. Josh Colvin, cruelty intervention coordinator at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, says a three-day supply of essentials for your dogs and cats should be included with the duct tape and radio batteries. Pack pet food in air-tight containers and plenty of water for the animals to drink, several gallons worth, depending on the pet’s size. If the animals are given any medication on a routine basis, like heartworm pills for dogs, a supply should also be included. Colvin mentions a few other items. Carrying crates for the pets and leashes should be included along with emergency telephone numbers for veterinary hospitals. Colvin says Iowans are very loyal to their pets and vice versa. U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge says he’s put together an emergency kit for his three golden retrievers.

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