Investigations ordered by Congress have found out-of-control Pentagon spending by individuals on government-issued credit cards. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley will testify this week about the probes into what he says are inappropriate junkets and wild spending sprees, especially in the use of Defense Department travel cards. Grassley says there’s been sloppy bookkeeping and a complete lack of controls on the credit cards. He says “There’s significant potential fraud and potential abuse at the Department of Defense.” He says violations include Pentagon employees charging flings at adult entertainment bars, going gambling, and buying cruises, home appliances and even new cars. Grassley, a Republican, says the charges at taxpayer expense are inexcusable. He’s introduced legislation to require all government agencies to set up regulations to prevent fraud, waste and abuse of government-issued credit and travel cards, with required periodic audits and penalties for violations. Grassley is to testify Thursday afternoon before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

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