There’s something new happening tonight at the Louisa County Fair in Columbus Junction — it’s called “Celebration of the Americas.” Louisa County Fair spokesperson Chris McFarland says it’s an effort to reach out.She says they have a large Hispanic population in the area and she says they’ve tried to figure out different ways to target them and get more Hispanics to come to the fair. McFarland says the idea for the celebration first came from the county development director Mallory Smith who suggested a salsa making contest. She says that’s expanded into food and educational displays, and even a bi-lingual clown. McFarland says the fair’s special event continues and effort that’s been underway in the county to make Hispanics feel more welcome.She says earlier this year Columbus Junction held a festival celebrating Hispanic culture. She says there’s several Hispanic-run businesses in Columbus Junction and she thinks they’ve done a good job of trying to include everyone in the things they do. McFarland says the fair board has recognized there has be an attempt made to reach out to new people in the community to make it work. She says everybody does from both sides, and she says she thinks there are lots of people in the area that’ve stepped up and tried to make it wall work together. Things will get underway in the grandstand area at five o’clock tonight (Wednesday).

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