The nation’s gun manufacturers have started distributing 175-thousand free gun locks in Iowa. Steve Alger of Project Child Safe says education is the key to accident prevention. Project Child Safe was created by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and Alger says it seeks to educate gun owners about the strategies they can take in their home to ensure the safety of themselves, their guests and their children. Alger says his group is asking fire arm owners to renew their commitment to keep their guns out of the hands of unauthorized users, especially kids. Shari LeGate of the National Shooting Sports Foundation says there are about 240 million guns in America — and about 40 million Americans annually participate in what she calls the “shooting sports.” “Whether you’re a champion shooter, a recreational shooter or just a weekend plinker, there’s an inherent responsibility that comes with owning and using a fire arm,” LeGate says. Lieutenant Governor Sally Pederson invited the Project Child Safe representatives to the statehouse for a late-morning news conference. She says the educational material in the gun lock kit is just as important as the lock itself.”This program reminds gun owners to take steps to ensure that a loaded gun doesn’t get into the hands of a child and cause a preventable tragedy,” Pederson says. Last year, 256-thousand free gun locks were distributed in Iowa by the nation’s firearms industry. In 2003, 11 Iowa kids below the age of 19 died from gun injuries.

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