While about half of all Iowa marriages end in divorce, one study estimates one-third of all marriages will experience infidelity. An affair can have a devastating effect on a marriage, but with a lot of effort, sometimes the relationship can be saved, according to counselor Julie Graves. Graves says “It does take work and it does take a lot for the couple to really be able to start communicating, to sit down and openly talk about what the relationship means to them and how important is it in their life.” The U.S. divorce rate is down a few percentage points from a peak in 1981, but the current divorce rate is almost double what is was in the 1950s. While cheating can often lead to divorce, Graves says it all depends on the couple. Graves says “I think there are couples who this does happen to and they try to in a sense turn it around and recommit in their relationship and when I think it is done in honesty and truthfulness, I think it can be a very positive thing then.” Graves says it takes a lot of work though to repair the relationship, especially if the affair was lengthy, since the level of deceit is so great that the trust is hard to regain. Data source: http://www.iowadivorcelawyers.com/

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