A computerized University of Iowa roster is now on-line featuring color photos of every student. It’s hoped the internal-use-only roster will help professors familiarze themselves with the faces of students, according to U-of-I Registrar Larry Lockwood. The roster corresponds to photo I-Ds that are issued to every U-of-I student. Lockwood says another possible benefit to the roster may be to help curb cheating in the classroom, though he says students wouldn’t necessarily be “carded” at the door to make sure they are who they say they are. Lockwood says “Obviously, someone can’t come in and take your exam in your place. That’s a sidebar to this. That’s not the purpose of it.” U-of-I economics professor John Solow says he’s hesitant to use the system as his class contains some 800 students. Solow says it may be more useful for classes of 50 or so, but not for a big lecture. He says if there’s a concern about cheaters, he -would- ask for photo I-Ds at the door.

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