Iowa Congressman Steve King favors a bill that would tighten up the process for issuing driver’s licenses to try and keep them out of the hands of illegal aliens. King, a republican from Kiron, spoke during House debate last night on what he calls “the Real I-D bill.” He says our asylum system “presently welcomes fraud by those who seek to do us harm.” King says the would allow immigration judges to use common sense to protect Americans while still providing safe harbor to those who need it. King says the bill would close a loophole in the current system.”It’s outrageous that we can keep people out of this country based upon terrorist links, but the minute they’re in this country we can’t deport them. The Real I-D bill would fix this problem which poses a great danger to our citizens.” King says the terrorists who attacked the U-S on September 11th were able to obtain driver’s licenses. He says driver’s licenses are defacto I-D cards that allow people to blend in, move freely, rent apartments, get jobs, and board airplanes. He says not requiring a valid form of U-S government-issued I-D allows anyone to claim to be an illegal alien and be granted a license. Some say the bill is not a security bill, but King disagrees. “To say that this is not an issue of national security is beyond the limits of resonability.” He says the bill would ensure the I-D’s are issued legally and that those who get the I-D’s do not intend to harm Americans.

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