The deadline for filing your 2004 federal taxes is less than a month away — and so is the deadline for collecting a refund from three years ago. Chris Moore is a spokeswoman for the Internal Revenue Service. She says April 15th of 2005 is the last day you can file your tax return for 2001 and still get a refund. She says there’s generally a three-year window of opportunity to file a tax return and get a refund. Moore says even if you don’t owe money, you should file a return to get a refund. She says there’s about 15,800 people in Iowa who haven’t filed their 2001 returns — with a potential for $12.7 million in refunds. Moore says if you miss the deadline for your 2001 refund, Uncle Sam keeps the money. She says if the return isn’t filed, the refund stays with the United State’s Treasury. Moore says half of the Iowans could receive a refund of 444-dollars.

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