A Native American group is hoping it can open a cultural support center in central Iowa this year. Howard Crow Eagle of the “Central Iowa Circle of First Nations” says other ethnic groups have similar offices already. He says if you go to Des Moines, you’ll have a cultural center for all kinds of different cultures, he points out — Latinos, the Irish, Italians, African Americans — but there is not a Native American cultural center. Crow Eagle says the group’s goal is to create a single location for information that would help Native Americans across the region. If a Native American came into Des Moines, he says they really wouldn’t know who to contact or what resources were available to them, so what he hopes to do is set up a cultural center where if a visitor comes from another state or if someone is planning to move to Iowa comes in, they can get the resources they need. In addition to offering cultural support, Crow Eagle says the organization is active in teaching about the Native American perspective. Right now, they focus on cultural awareness, education, and schools. He says they go into colleges and do a lot of lecturing on the Native American way of life. In April, the Central Iowa Circle of First Nations will bring together Native Americans from across the country for a traditional dance celebration in Stuart. See their website and plans at http://www.cicfn.org

Radio Iowa