A nine-year-old who’s gained notoriety from his quest to be America’s president in 2033 is in Iowa today (Monday), touting President Bush’s plan to reform Social Security. “I’m not a Social Security expert, but I know the basic points,” Noah McCullough says. “I know there’s a problem and it has to be fixed,” McCullough, who is from Katy, Texas, appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and in other national media after launching his bid for president — for the 2032 campaign. Noah, who’s a Republican, says Bush’s plan will work because it will allow younger people to set aside a portion of their Social Security taxes in a private investment account. Noah says that means if you die young, you can leave any of the money in that account to somebody in your will. “I’m concerned about this issue because I don’t want there to be a problem when I’m president of the United States,” Noah says. “I don’t want there to be a problem when I’m getting ready to retire and I don’t want there to be a problem anytime for anybody.” Noah may be back in Iowa when he’s running for President 27 years from now. “Most likely, because of the (Iowa) Caucuses,” Noah says. As he knows, the Iowa Caucuses have served as the starting point for Presidential campaigns for nearly three decades. Progress for America, a group that’s backing Bush’s Social Security changes, paid for Noah’s trip to Iowa, and for his mother to accompany him. You can get a link to his Noah’s website by visiting www.radioiowa.com and reading this story on-line.

Radio Iowa