The Iowa Supreme Court has issued a ruling on a case involving alleged sexual misconduct at a golf course in southwest Iowa. At the center of the case is the Crestmoor Golf Club in Creston and an employee (Tabitha Lynnae Cottrell) who alleged her supervisor (Galen Krieger) sexually harassed and assaulted her. When she complained, she says other employees harassed her, too, and then she was fired. She sued. The golf course tried to get its insurance company — IMT — to defend them in court, but the company refused. A district court ruled the insurer should have taken up the case for its client and paid any damages, but the Iowa Supreme Court has now ruled IMT did have a right to refuse to defend the golf course because the insurance policy does not cover actions that involve the misconduct of golf course employees. The case now goes back to the district court level for further action.

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