The deadline arrives tomorrow (Thursday) for many registered sex offenders in Iowa to move. A U.S. district judge has ruled that as of the first of September, they cannot live within 2-thousand feet of a school or registered daycare. Bill Davis is Scott County Attorney and he says local prosecutors will be ready to enforce the new law. “Don’t expect any arrests September 1,” he warns. “But don’t think that the law-enforcement aren’t active and working to enforce the law — because we are.” Davis says they’re mapping out the county and its communities to see where sex offenders are living, and which are in violation of the law. The prosecutor says those people will be contacted and given “a reasonable amount of time to vacate.” Offenders who’ve been living at an address since July 2002 or before will be allowed to stay where they are. All offenders who started living in a barred area since then will have to move away, under a new law that was tested in court and finally upheld earlier this year.

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