It’s unclear whether -any- evacuees from the hurricane zone will be flown to Iowa. Sleeping cots and processing stations have been set-up at the State Fairgrounds, anticipating the arrival of up to two-thousand hurricane victims who’ve been living temporarily in Houston. But after waiting all day Tuesday for details from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, like how many were coming and when they might arrive, Governor Tom Vilsack called FEMA at five o’clock yesterday afternoon. Vilsack says he was told they couldn’t find pilots to fly the planes to shuttle folks from Texas to Iowa. He was also told few of the hurricane victims staying in Texas wanted to move again. Late Tuesday night, several sources indicated Iowa would not be welcoming plane-loads of hurricane victims. Some individuals and some churches in Iowa have taken hurricane victims in. Some schools, like the Des Moines District, are reporting a few children from hurricane-wrecked areas have been enrolled for classes here. Governor Vilsack will be part of a telephone conference call at nine o’clock this morning with FEMA officials and the rest of the nation’s governors, and Vilsack will brief the media afterwards.

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