The Iowa Supreme Court’s Attorney Disciplinary Board has suspended the law license of the man who used to be Clay County Attorney. Michael L. Zenor was cleared of allegations that he filed charges against some people without probable cause, but the disciplinary panel found that while Zenor was Clay County Attorney, he had “fixed” speeding tickets by reducing the charges to a simple equipment violation — citing a non-existent headlight problem.

Zenor was also cited for conflicts of interest for representing clients in some legal proceedings, and prosecuting the same people in court, too. A commission that had reviewed the charges against Zenor only recommended a public reprimand, but the panel that makes the final decision ruled Zenor’s law license will be suspended for four months.

Zenor was first elected Clay County Attorney in 1978. He recently moved from Spencer to Dickinson County and is now serving as an assistant Clay County Attorney.

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