Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, a democrat, is blasting President Bush again as the Senate prepares to vote today on the budget. Harkin says that Bush is “the most fiscally reckless President in our nation’s history” who is running up a record national debt.

He says, “To pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and for a war without end, the President proposes to cut essential programs for the neediest in our society. This is not just a case of misplaced priorities, it’s a case of an administration that has lost its moral compass. The good news is that a growing number of folks in Congress and across the country have had enough.”

Harkin says he’s joining with Pennsylvania Republican Senator Arlen Spector on an amendment to add money back into the budget. He says the amendment would add back seven billion dollars to the proposed budget in education, health, and job training programs. Harkin says it would put the budget back to the 2005 level. Harkin says he’s “hopefully optimistic” that the amendment will pass. He says they are close to the 51 votes needed, and Harkin says if the amendment will send a message.

Harkin says, “And if the President is unable to re-think his priorities, then Congress, on a bipartisian basis, will do it for him.” Harkin says getting this amendment passed is “the last best chance” for restoring the funding.

Radio Iowa