An expert on walking who is working with state officials to try to get Iowans to cut some weight says you can start now.

Mark Fenton has written several books on walking and is the former host of the show “America’s Walking” on public television. Fenton says walking is a good way to get yourself in better shape because it’s easy and doesn’t require a lot of equipment.

Fenton says this is the perfect time to establish walking as a “daily habit.” Fenton says you don’t have to begin with a marathon; he tells people to “start small.” Fenton says you can begin by going down the street for five minutes and then come back.

Fenton says that 10 minutes may not seem like a lot — but a short walk helps as there’s research to show that people who get even 10 minutes of activity a day will live a longer life then those who’re sedentary.

Fenton says you’ll find you have more energy and are less stressed out after the walk and actually feeling better. Fenton has other ideas for raising the activity level of Iowans. Fenton says when you’re sitting around with the family, don’t just watch football, go out and throw the ball around, or play some touch football.

Fenton says adding in some fruit and healthy snacks along with your workout will help you get into the right habits for being in better shape.

Radio Iowa