Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says Monday’s shooting rampage on the Virginia Tech campus, the deadliest in U.S. history, will likely translate to new legislative efforts to restrict Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms.

Grassley says: "I expect that there will be quite an attempt, but what you have to take into consideration is we would not repeal the freedom of speech because somebody says something stupid. We won’t repeal freedom of religion because of some erratic group having a different opinion."

Grassley says the shooting rampage in Blacksburg is a terrible tragedy but he does not think it justifies taking away any of our long-standing rights. Grassley says, "Basic constitutional rights have been that way for 225 years and I would not expect basic constitutional rights to change over one incident and that includes the right to bear arms."

The gunman in Virginia, a 23-year-old student from South Korea, killed 32 people and injured at least 15 before killing himself. 

Radio Iowa