A teenager in a Des Moines suburb is in hot water after something he wrote in the men’s bathroom at school. West Des Moines police say 16-year-old Griffin Shea Huth wrote a note on the door of a bathroom stall. It said: "I am going to kill every 1 today." It happened last Friday.

Huth apparently wrote the note and then went to Valley High School administrators to report the threatening message. "His intent was to write this down and get school officials alarmed and have school dismissed," West Des Moines Police Lieutenant Jeff Miller says. Huth has been charged with first degree harassment. That’s an aggravated misdemeanor, which is one step below a felony charge. Huth’s case will be heard in juvenile court. Is he facing prison time?

Lieutenant Miller says that all depends on the judge as well as Huth and his family. If he had been charged in adult court, first degree harassment carries a sentence of up to two years in prison in addition to a fine.


Audio: Radio Iowa’s O. Kay Henderson reports. :27 MP3

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