A new type of candy-flavored meth is generating a lot of talk after turning up in other states. But, the director of the Iowa Office of Drug Control Policy, Gary Kendal, says it hasn’t been found here yet. Kendal says they haven’t been aware of the candy-meth showing up in Iowa and the closest state to see it is Missouri.

Kendal believes the flavoring may be a way to make the illegal drug taste better. He says the flavoring may be used to make the drug more palatable to people to get them to try it. Kendal says the concern that candy-meth might appeal to kids is real, and something adults should watch out for.

Kendal says the reports should make parents pay more attention, as it is not an urban legend, it does exist. "It’s only a matter of time before it shows up in the state, we just haven’t seen it yet," Kendal says. Kendal says it’s important to talk with kids about the dangers of all drugs. Kendal says people need to be made aware of candy-meth, and the more conversations they have with kids the better. He says kids need to know that candy-meth is still poison like the regular meth and the candy isn’t any less dangerous.

Meth users are most often in the 18 to 35 year-old range according to Kendal, but he says younger children do try meth too. 

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