Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wrapped up her four-day campaign swing through Iowa last night with a stop in Fort Dodge.

Clinton was campaigning solo during her appearance at the Fort Dodge Opera House after traveling around Iowa with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, for the first three days of the week. "We’ve had just the best time traveling around, talking with people, marching in parades, stopping at Dairy Queens," Clinton said, as the audience laughed. "We’ve just had a great summer time in Iowa."

Clinton told the crowd in Fort Dodge that the country was having Bush fatigue.  "Honest to goodness, the culture of cronyism, corruption and incompetance that the Bush Administration has foisted on us is unprecedented," Clinton said. "No bid contracts. Outsourcing the government. And how about this for a new idea? Let’s start appointing people who are qualified for the positions we ask them to hold in our government."

Another Democratic presidential hopeful will be in Fort Dodge today. Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd is bringing in musician Paul Simon who will be performing at three Dodd campaign events today, including a mid-day stop in Fort Dodge.

Radio Iowa