The Iowa Farm Bureau is looking for rural entrepreneurs.

The IFB is hosting it’s fifth "Renew Rural Iowa" seminar this week. The event is scheduled for Thursday and Friday in Atlantic, in western Iowa.

Dave Lyons of the Iowa Farm Bureau says the program brings several experts together to help new or potential businesses succeed. He says a portion of the seminar includes partnering entrepreneurs with professional mentors to determine if there are any "holes" in their business plans.

In addition to mentoring, new rural Iowa businesses can obtain financial assistance from the state’s "rural vitality" fund.

"That’s a fund of $20 million," Lyons says, "so good projects that meet qualifying business plans will know where there first investor is."

Anyone wishing to attend the seminar in Atlantic is asked to register by calling 1-800-254-9670 or by visiting .

The next "Renew Rural Iowa" seminar is scheduled for September 20-21 in Clear Lake.


Radio Iowa