Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says it’s clear the candidates hailed as the "top tier" in the GOP race by the "Washington media" are fading.

Kevin Zook of Waterloo heard Huckabee speak last night and he’s leaning toward supporting him. Zook likes Huckabee’s overall message — and the fact that Huckabee wants to fight the war on terror.

"I see that as the defining issue in the election," Zook says.

Huckabee told the crowd last night in Waterloo that the Islamic Jihadists want to kill us. "They look at this as a thousand year war, if necessary, and they will spend not just their blood but their grandchildren’s blood and their great-great grandchildren’s blood to see it accomplished," Huckabee said.

Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, is hosting a roundtable discussion about education in Nevada today.

Radio Iowa