A protestor temporarily disrupted a news conference held today by Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo. The Colorado Congressman was using the event on the steps of the Iowa Capital building to call for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages.

But Mike Keller of Des Moines interrupted, arguing that he and his partner deserve the same legal protections as other married couples. "The children of (homosexual couples) deserve the same protections as children of heterosexuals," Keller said, "it’s all about people protecting each other, their spouses, and their kids." Tancredo responded, "I’ll tell you I don’t believe for a moment that those protections are not afforded by a myriad of laws we have on the books today."

Tancredo says legalizing gay marriage would open the door to recognizing other prohibited relationships…such as bigamy, polygamy, or even incest. Tancredo says Iowans should not have to live with, what he calls "the foolish and arrogant decision of an activist judge." "What is happening here is a perfect example of why we need a constitutional amendment," Tancredo said of the recent ruling from a Polk County judge, that briefly legalized gay marriage in Iowa.

"I think it’s outrageous for a politician to come here," Keller interupted, "and try to tell the Iowa courts what they should do. I think you’re the one that’s out of line." Tancredo dismissed Keller’s complaint, saying gays and lesbians can protect their partnerhsip through existing legal contracts – and that the majority of Americans do not want the definition of marriage expanded beyond a man and woman. 

Radio Iowa