Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is predicting an Iowa Caucus Night surprise. Most polls show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Edwards to be in a tight race at the head of the pack, but Biden says a lesser-known candidate will push ahead of one of them. "I think one of us is going to end up supplanting one of the so-called top tier candidates," Biden says.

During a Wednesday afternoon taping of an Iowa Public Television program, Biden made the case for why he’ll be the one to break out of the back pack of candidates. "I haven’t gone on television yet. I’m going to be doing that. I haven’t done any paid media," Biden said. "But what’s happened is the top tier is frozen. Nothing’s moving. They’ve spent millions of dollars and nothing’s moving."

According to Biden, anything less than a first, second or third place showing for him on Caucus Night will spell the end of his presidential campaign.

Biden, chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, often touts his connections and conversations with foreign leaders. If Biden were to talk to President Bush, he’d tell him to get on a plane to build on progress made at this week’s Middle East peace talks in Maryland. "The administration could make something out of this," Biden said. "…Were I president now, literally the first thing I would do — I give you my word — I’d be on a plane next Monday to Israel. This president’s never been to Israel."

According to Biden, the participation of Syria and the Arab League in this week’s peace talks is a very encouraging sign.

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