A new survey suggests Iowa’s aging population will soon strain the state’s resources. The survey of nearly 8,500 Iowans who’re older than 60 shows in just two years, many of them say they’ll need help around the house and in getting from place-to-place. They also are beginning to ask for more home-delivered meals and congregate meal sites.

The survey results came as a surprise to Iowa Department of Elder Affairs director John McCalley. "If we redirect a little bit of the resources that currently goes to traditional nursing-home care, more toward home- and community-based services we can meet those needs without raising taxpayer’s dollars or spending more money," McCalley says. McCalley predicts changes are ahead, as aging Baby Boomers hope to stay in their own homes as long as possible.

"We probably need to look at the infrastructure of home-delivered meals and congregate meals to make sure that in a couple of years we’re ready to provide the service for everybody who’s looking for it," McCalley says.

The survey was conducted from May through August. A spokeswoman for the Iowa Department of Elder Affairs says the results of the survey will be posted online at the department’s website by the close of business on December 5, 2008.


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