There may be hope to save the football program at North Iowa Area Community College in Mason City.

NIACC football coach Steve LaLonde announced Thursday that Minnesota Vikings star Adrian Peterson is willing to give enough money to help his program at least through the 2009 season. LaLonde says one of his assistants, Red Griffith, has ties with Peterson. LaLonde says there are other NFL players that have shown interest in helping out the program.

LaLonde says he met with NIACC President Debra Derr, Vice President for Student Services Karen Pierson and Athletic Director Dan Mason at about noon yesterday about the Peterson proposal. NIACC’s official statement regarding the meeting states that the administration will be meeting with the coaching staff later today to learn more about the viability of the offer that the coaches have presented.

NIACC announced earlier this week the cutting of the program, as well as plans to lay off seven full-time positions and not fill six others, as the college faces an $800-thousand cut in their budget.


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