Two Iowa women who’ve had key roles in Republican campaigns over the past decade have signed on with the presidential campaign of Newt Gingrich, the former U.S. House Speaker. 

Linda Upmeyer, the Iowa House Majority Leader, will serve as Iowa campaign chairwoman for Gingrich. Upmeyer likes the “policy wonk” side of Gingrich.

“I’m good with egghead,” Upmeyer said, laughing.  “I have a real appreciate for people that take the time to research and think things through.”

And Upmeyer said Gingrich will be able to capitalize on his “track record” as a fiscal conservative leader in congress.

“That’s what a lot of people are looking for right now,” Upmeyer said. “The national debt is a big concern for people.” 

To be successful in Iowa’s Caucuses, however, Upmeyer said Gingrich will have to answer the concerns social conservatives have about his two divorces.

“I think the key will be how he answers them — and that he answers them,” Upmeyer said. “And I’ve seen him answer those questions. He’s had personal struggles just like many, many people have.”

Gingrich has been married to his third wife, Callista, for 11 years and he has converted to her faith, Catholicism. 

Gingrich has also hired Katie Koberg as deputy director of his Iowa campaign.  Koberg is among a handful of Iowans for Tax Relief staff who resigned recently. In addition to her work for the powerful anti-tax lobbying group, Koberg has managed state legislative races.

Radio Iowa